green party in a sentence
- Some environmentalists supported Green Party candidate Ralph Nader because of the dispute.
- He also faces competition on the left from a Green Party candidate.
- Nader has lost the backing of the Green Party this time around.
- The Green Party counters that the status quo will sacrifice the environment.
- The Seattle stop was the third of four major Green Party rallies.
- The announcement came before the Green Party convention beginning Wednesday in Milwaukee.
- Nader will receive from the endorsement he received from the Green Party.
- The party has campaigned furiously in the state with the Green Party.
- The Green party and former environmental minister Segolene Royal denounced it.
- The Green Party also will have a primary on March 7.
- It's difficult to see green party in a sentence .
- There were several suggestions to merge with Green Party of Canada.
- Communist and Green party leaders joined activist groups at the march.
- Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand and Communist Party of Aotearoa.
- It is the oldest state green party in the United States.
- Green Party representative Jorge Legorreta told the newspaper Diario de Yucatan.
- The Green Party is a member of the European Green Party.
- Green Party members carpool to meetings and recycle unused campaign literature.
- Advocacy for triple bottom line reforms is common in Green Parties.
- Gregg Gerritt of the Green Party also has announced his candidacy.
- The GGN is composed of three representatives from each Green Party.
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